Student Conduct

Welcome to the Office of the Dean of Students – Conduct Division

Office Mission:

To promote a safe and secure University community of civility, integrity, and student learning and development, as well as responsible, healthy behavior, and to provide fairness in the student discipline process.

We fulfill this mission by:

  • Developing, disseminating, interpreting, and enforcing the Student Code of Conduct;
  • Educating students about their rights and responsibilities as University community members;
  • Supporting students during these experiences in an effort to foster maturity; independence, confidence, and life-long learning skills;
  • Encouraging students to assume self and social responsibility; and,
  • Offering educational and leadership opportunities for students who participate in the operation of the Student Discipline System.

The Office of the Dean of Students Conduct Division is also responsible for investigating alleged violations of University Regulations and Policies and for implementing the student conduct process. An educational and holistic approach to student conduct is employed whenever possible.

Students, faculty and staff who believe there has been a violation can contact the Office of the Dean of Students Conduct Division to discuss options available for reporting incidents to the appropriate authorities. Office staff also assist victims of assault or harassment by a University student.